The school, located in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, last year embarked on an exciting project which will eventually include every pupil in the school. ‘A Mosaic for every child’ began by running a workshop for Year 6 children in which they learned how to design, cut glass tiles to size and create their own individual mosaics. The Mosaics are small, circular, about 12cms in diameter and include the child’s initials.

The plan is to give all 220 children the opportunity to learn the appropriate skills and, once finished place all mosaics together into a giant, collective work of art. Each child will be able to create something unique and special to them and the collective work of art will be positioned in a prominent position within the school grounds and be enjoyed by other local schools and the community as a whole, in years to come. The project also includes involvement from Ben Rhydding Methodist Church, who have worked with the school several times in the last few years.

The Trust was most happy to make a contribution of £4,225 towards the project.